About Us

FiberOne is the largest Fiber to the Home (FTTH) premium broadband provider in Nigeria. We deliver excellent Fiber internet services across homes and offices with a triple-play service comprising broadband, voice, and video. Our cutting-edge technology can guarantee low latency and optimal speed.

As pacesetters,FiberOne has consistently deployed high-end ultramodern technology to serve the rapidly emerging digital environment of netizens in Nigeria.

Over the past 7 years, we have focused on nurturing the relationship we have with our customers.We are constantly discovering innovative ways to create more value and meet the needs of our customers. We understand the peculiarities of different types of business needs and can offer bespoke
services tailored to your request.

Our team of experts at FiberOne are well equipped to deliver a quality fiber-optic broadband experience.We are poised and structured to deliver a quality, fiber-optic broadband experience at a low cost to your home or office through our unique products: Fiber-to-the-home FTTH and Fiberto-the-Office FTTO.


Our Philosophy

Our Vision

Our Mission

Core Values

We are your trusted compass, aiding you to access and navigate a world of boundless opportunities with our service

To reinvent the future by creating access to the possibilities inherent in the world with the internet.

To inspire innovation by providing unlimited possibilities to all that come across our brand.

  • Innovation
  • Quality
  • Integrity

What We Offer.


Fast & Reliable Internet

FOB utilises optical cables for its internet broadband service , which makes it the fastest internet you can get – up to 50x times faster than the fastest LTE service available in Nigeria. With the improved bandwidth throughput of Fiber you’ll have a more stable connection with lower latency. And, because Fiber uses light instead of electrical pulses, it’s weather resistant and doesn’t degrade over large distances – giving you a consistent, fast internet and a dependable experience..


On Demand Entertainment

With Fiber, say goodbye to constant buffering, thanks to smooth, fast connectivity – allowing you to enjoy HD or 4K content, even if several people are streaming at the same time.* And with super‑low latency, you can take gaming to a whole new level too.


Connect More Devices

We live in a digital world, with more devices in our homes every single day – and normal broadband solutions struggle to support the increased demand on your Internet Connection. With Fast Fiber, you can connect more devices, at better speeds than ever before – start enjoying reliable, fast internet connectivity in every room of the house.